Project Leader: Tracy Willett
This vital garden project is located at the Spirit of Grace Church, 1130 Tucker Road in Hood River. The
garden addresses local food insecurity by providing fresh, local produce for the FISH Food Bank. We focus
on growing vegetables preferred by the clients, especially those that are more costly in the stores or not
provided by other supporters of the food bank.
Work parties occur weekly during the busy summer growing season. Those
who particularly like to work with a group do tasks such as prepping beds,
planting, transplanting, and weeding. Some volunteers take responsibility
for planting and tending one particular vegetable and do this in pairs, on
their own time or during work parties. Others regularly harvest the
thousands of pounds of fresh produce produced each year.
Over the years, the garden has expanded to include a wide variety of
vegetables, herbs, berries and a native plant wind break. Future plans
development of more educational/service projects for youth and improving the accessibility of garden
walkways and beds. A garden kiosk was recently installed to provide visitors with valuable resources and
information about the garden. If you stop by the FISH garden, be sure to check out the kiosk for updates, a
current task list for volunteers, and the sign-in sheet.