Your Central Gorge Master Gardeners offers monthly gardening education workshops . The first workshop will be offered second Saturday of the month at 10am and the second workshop will be offered on a moving day the following week.
2025 Workshop Schedule:
- Seed Starting: March 8th, 10:00am -HR extension office AND March 11th- HR library 6:00pm
- Drip Irrigation: April 12th, 10:00am HR Extension center AND April 15th WS library 6:30pm
- Mini workshops featuring Tomatoes and Native plants: May 10th HR Extension during the annual plant sale
- Tree Health with Glen Ahrens: June 14th, 10:00am HR extension center AND June 17th WS library 6:30pm
- July workshop TBD
- Pollinator Plants for the Home landscape: Aug.9th 10:00am HR extension center AND WS library Aug.12th 6:30pm
- Sept. TBD
- Oct. TBD
Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteers provide free beginning gardening classes and continuing education to home gardeners. For research based information about specific gardening or pest questions, submit your concern online at or by phone at 541-386-3343. Home gardeners can also drop off plant or pest samples Monday – Thursday between 9 AM and 4 PM at the OSU Hood River County Extension Service, 2990 Experiment Station Drive, Hood River, OR.
Find us on Facebook at and Instagram @centralgorgemastergardeners
The Central Gorge Master Gardener program is a division of the OSU Hood River County Extension Service. OSU Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials.
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