CGMGA Spotlight: Margo Dameier

From June 2023

In speaking with Margo, one is quickly impressed with her vitality, energy and genuine love of the Master Gardener program. It runs all the way to her core. She is in charge of publicity for our program, oversees social media, started the educational writing crew and works at the learning garden as well as the native garden. And we fellow Master Gardeners have terrible snow conditions to thank!

Margo had wanted to join a MG program; however, the closest offering was in Wasco County. Her full-time job in media and commuting to in-person classes, two times a week was too much. She joined the Hood River chapter MG program the very first year in was offered in Hood River, 2005. That year coincided with poor snowboarding conditions so attending a weekend class wasn’t too much of an inconvenience.

Margo grew up in north central Illinois, the fifth generation on a family farm. She fondly remembers her extended family, across the country side; aunts, uncles and cousins all working the soil. It is this same fondness that feeds her desires today. As she stated, “The Master Gardener science-based program has expanded my knowledge and created a burning desire to pass that along to others”. 

Typical of Margo, she jumped into MG’s with all four feet. She began writing the press releases her first year as a way to “help out” and ended up using her career in media to expand and develop the publicity side of our program. In 2009 she was our chapter president. During her time as president, she understood that sometimes the demands of life make attending class difficult, so she also started the associate MG program. The associate program allows people to still be involved, but at a reduced level. 

She loves the community that is created around the Master Gardener program. When personal loss and tragedy struck Margo’s world, she too needed to take a break from the program for her own healing. For three years she enjoyed winters in Baja, not wet rainy Hood River. Yet, during that time she was fed by the kindness and nurturing friendship from other people in the MG program. They became a life blood of support for her regrowth.

Like many things, the pandemic was a set-back for the Master Gardeners, as the total membership plummeted. It called for new methodologies and Margo jumped in again. She helped create new spaces and places for members to contribute and different ways for the MG’s to get their message out to the public. If you have an interest in working with the Instagram, Facebook, creating, writing or editing video, writing for the H&G section of the Columbia Gorge News, she welcomes your involvement. For as she says, “If we nurture the soil, we’ll also nurture ourselves and each other”.

We are lucky to have Margo, (the snowboarding Energizer bunny) in our ranks!

By Jeri Rutherford


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