From November 2023
Sandi Rousseau moved from Hillsboro, Oregon to Hood River in March 2000. By 2003 she had joined the Columbia Gorge Master Gardeners, which at the time was a single chapter comprising Hood River and Wasco counties. In 2005, Hood River County formed their own chapter and Central Gorge Master Gardeners was born.
A list of all the ways in which Sandi has participated in Central Gorge Master Gardeners would be too extensive for this newsletter. Sandi was awarded Master Gardener of the Year in 2005 and again in 2018. She served as President of the Central Gorge Master Gardeners in 2021. In 2022 Sandi was awarded the Projects Award for her leadership of the annual plant sale. Sandi has headed the plant sale since 2022 and will continue in this role in 2024. Other current projects include the Learning Garden and the Water-Wise Library Garden.
Trainees know Sandi as one of the most welcoming and supportive Master Gardeners in the group. Experienced Master Gardeners know Sandi as an enthusiastic volunteer, a wealth of information, a listening ear and a good friend. Camaraderie and friendship are two of the attributes that Sandi values most in our Master Gardener group. “The ability to always be able to find and talk to someone who knows more than you“ is something that Sandi appreciates. “The vast knowledge within our group is impressive.”
One of Sandi’s most rewarding experiences in the Master Gardener program has been her role in leading the development of the Learning Garden. Her involvement began in 2003 with the formation of the Learning Garden steering committee. By the fall of 2003, a site survey had been performed and the first project, a curb garden, was completed. “I really enjoyed the development of the Learning Garden. Lots of Master Gardeners were involved, and it was a motivating, stimulating process.” Over the last 20 years, the Learning Garden team has envisioned and created a variety of projects, including a compost area, herb garden, ecolawn, native garden, Japanese Heritage Garden and raised bed gardens. Sandi remains committed to working in the Learning Garden and is “looking forward to the possibility of developing an outdoor Learning space for community workshops and classes.” New features, such as the pollinator garden and the rebuilding of the bioswale continue to motivate her work.
In her own home garden, Sandi really enjoys her perennial beds and planting annuals in her deck pots – all 35 of them! Her vegetable garden includes basics, such as tomatoes and basil, but she also grows lots of pumpkins, which she donates to Halloween-loving friends.
Sandi has many interests in addition to Master Gardeners. She is extensively involved in Masters Swimming. She is a member of Columbia Gorge Masters and serves on the Board of Directors of Oregon Masters Swimming. On a national level, she is a member of the Championship Committee of US Masters Swimming. The committee oversees two national championships in the United States each year. In addition, Sandi enjoys biking, skiing, hiking, and standup paddle boarding.
Barbara Spezia
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