Author: Central Gorge Master Gardeners
CGMGA Spotlight: John Stevens
From October 2023 John Stevens likes to look for color, height, texture and interest when checking out a landscape. He had this in mind when he and Master Gardener volunteers started the Waterwise project in front of the Hood River Library. It is a xeriscape format—a style of landscape design requiring little or no irrigation…
CGMGA Spotlight: Shari and Eric Bosler
From September 2023 In the world of horticulture, companion plants are defined as those which share a mutually beneficial relationship. In our Master Gardener chapter, Eric and Shari Bosler represent the human equivalent of companion plants. For more than fourteen years they have supported CGMGA, OMGA, and each other, sharing and spreading the joy of…
CGMGA Spotlight: Kathy MacGregor
From March 2022 Allow me to introduce……Kathy McGregor! If you’re reading this newsletter you, mostly likely, know Kathy from her active involvement in CGMGA. A member since 2005, Kathy has held numerous leadership positions with the organization as well as the acting president in 2006. But there is so much more to this woman than…
CGMGA Spotlight: Anne Gehrig
From January 2022 We’re all aware that after a very long and most likely arduous year as President of the CGMGA, Sandi Rousseau is passing the baton to Anne Gehrig. Sandi has been amazing in the position, but I have to assume is more than ready to relinquish the title to another very accomplished woman.…
Native Plants for your Winter Landscape
By Margo Dameier OSU Hood River County Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteer As I drive to and from winter recreation sites in the Central Gorge and nearby mountains, I can’t help but notice the native plants that also call this area home. Some of them have been planted by homeowners, while others are arranged…
CGMGA: Spotlight on Laurel Detar
From Feb 2024 Moving to Hood River in 2006, Laurel DeTar was active at the Hood River County Library and looking for another group to join. As a frequent visitor to Master Gardener Plant Clinics and seeing the fun volunteers were having while doing “good stuff “in the community, Laurel took notice. Later, Laurel crossed…
Plants and Community over the Holidays
By Jen Munroe, OSU Hood River Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteer Apple tree, Jason Hawke As we come into December, we often turn to the holidays, which conjure for many people notions of coming together with loved ones and friends. One might even say that this notion of community is hard-wired into what we…
Central Gorge Master Gardeners and the community we serve
Central Gorge Master Gardeners: Of and For the CommunityBy Sarah Smeby, Central Gorge Master Gardener Volunteer If you’re reading this, you’re likely familiar with the Central Gorge Master Gardener Association(CGMGA). But, do you know all the different ways we connect with and support the community?CGMGA Volunteers take great pride in offering advice and connection to…
Tool Care
Make Equipment Maintenance a Fun Part of Gardening by Jim Black, OSU Hood River Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener Volunteer Master Gardener Scott Fitch sharpens his hand tools with an inexpensive steel file. Photo by Jim Black Designing our garden beds and irrigation system, choosing the right plants for each site, and nurturing them through…