Category: Monthly CGN Articles
Eliminate Barriers for better living
by Jim Black OSU Hood River County Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteer One of our new friends has used a wheelchair for years and manages well with it, thanks largely to his incredible wife and his own positive, can-do attitude. When we’re at their barrier-free home, it’s easy to forget he uses a wheelchair,…
Seed Starting: What to know before you sow!
By Anne Gehrig, OSU Hood River County Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener Volunteer When I was in second grade, our teacher challenged us to a seed-growing contest. I brought a marigold seed; my mother assured me it would be the fastest seed to sprout. For 2 weeks, the class watched anxiously as one seed after…
Native Plants for your Winter Landscape
By Margo Dameier OSU Hood River County Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteer As I drive to and from winter recreation sites in the Central Gorge and nearby mountains, I can’t help but notice the native plants that also call this area home. Some of them have been planted by homeowners, while others are arranged…
Plants and Community over the Holidays
By Jen Munroe, OSU Hood River Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteer Apple tree, Jason Hawke As we come into December, we often turn to the holidays, which conjure for many people notions of coming together with loved ones and friends. One might even say that this notion of community is hard-wired into what we…
Central Gorge Master Gardeners and the community we serve
Central Gorge Master Gardeners: Of and For the CommunityBy Sarah Smeby, Central Gorge Master Gardener Volunteer If you’re reading this, you’re likely familiar with the Central Gorge Master Gardener Association(CGMGA). But, do you know all the different ways we connect with and support the community?CGMGA Volunteers take great pride in offering advice and connection to…
Garden Transitions
Garden Transitions By Jen Munroe, OSU Hood River Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteer. Photo by Chad Stembridge “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,” writes British poet John Keats in “To Autumn.” September marks a time of change—from the bustle of the summer garden to a time when the garden begins to recuperate and ready…
Plan Now For Your Fall Garden
Plan now for your Fall Garden By Margo Dameier, OSU Hood River Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteerWhen I was a young girl, I always enjoyed the month of August. There were large familygatherings every weekend, the fireflies that would hover in front of my eyes at dusk made merun and giggle as I caught them,…
Cool Tips for Hot Weather Gardening
Anne Gehrig OSU Hood River County Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener Volunteer Here in the PNW we live in a paradise of hydrologic abundance. Surrounded by lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and snowy peaks, it’s easy to take water for granted. When the rainy days of “Junuary” finally give way to July, we turn on the tap…
Planting Your Vegetable Starts
Planting your vegetable starts Photo by Zoe Schaeffer Planting vegetable starts can be one of the most rewarding parts of gardening! Moving the small plants into the ground is a crucial step in creating a bountiful harvest. If you’ve read the last few articles from the Central Gorge Master Gardener Volunteers, you may have already…
Starting Seeds For a Bountiful Harvest
Starting Seeds for a Bountiful Harvest By Margo Dameier OSU Hood River County Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteer Spring has officially arrived! Our daylight hours are now longer than those of our nights, overnight lows are more frequently above freezing, and area gardeners have serious cases of spring fever. These warmer and sunnier days…