Category: Home
Plan Now For Your Fall Garden
Plan now for your Fall Garden By Margo Dameier, OSU Hood River Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteerWhen I was a young girl, I always enjoyed the month of August. There were large familygatherings every weekend, the fireflies that would hover in front of my eyes at dusk made merun and giggle as I caught them,…
Garden Gathering Workshops
Your Central Gorge Master Gardeners offers monthly gardening education workshops . The first workshop will be offered second Saturday of the month at 10am and the second workshop will be offered on a moving day the following week. 2025 Workshop Schedule: Central Gorge Master Gardener volunteers provide free beginning gardening classes and continuing education to…
Cool Tips for Hot Weather Gardening
Anne Gehrig OSU Hood River County Extension Central Gorge Master Gardener Volunteer Here in the PNW we live in a paradise of hydrologic abundance. Surrounded by lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and snowy peaks, it’s easy to take water for granted. When the rainy days of “Junuary” finally give way to July, we turn on the tap…
2025 CGMGA Plant Clinic Schedule
Your Central Gorge Master Gardeners are here to help answer your local home garden questions. CGMGA hosts in person plant clinics locally throughout our Gorge community from April to October. You can also always SUBMIT your questions online through our Plant Clinic Question Form for the fastest response year round. CLICK HERE to submit your…